Research Interests
- Controlled Text Generation - Persona Control
- Fraud Detection
Research Experience
2023/05/08 - now Working as a Research Assistant at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- Reconstructed the Self-Instruct pipeline code for the team
- Conducted the research on how LLMs can be applied to the user simulator
- Papers: PlatoLM: Teaching LLMs via a Socratic Questioning User Simulator
- arxiv:
- code:
- model:
- has achieved SOTA performance from 2023/08 to 2023/10 in Alpaca-Eval and MT-Bench.
- dataset:
04/2019 Construction of Logistics Service Quality Model for Used E-Commerce Platforms (Xianyu App)
- Preliminarily constructed the evaluation index system in terms of SERVQUAL Model, the overall problems of logistics services of second-hand E-commerce platform, and the factors affecting quality
- Built the final evaluation index system by Exploratory Factor Analysis (SPSS) through the first questionnaire survey about the logistics services quality of second-hand E-commerce platform
- Carried out the second questionnaire survey on the Xianyu App to evaluate and analyze the logistics service quality by means of Fuzzy Hierarchical Comprehensive Evaluation (SPSS)
- Awarded an outstanding thesis at the College level
M.S. in Business and Data Analytics - Information System Stream
- City University of Hong Kong, 2021
- GPA: 3.57/4.3
- Graduated with distinction
- Awards: Outstanding Student Gold Award with the highest GPA(3.72/4.3) in Sem A at Major Level
- Courses: Data Mining, Big Data & Social Media Analytics, Advanced Software Construction, Statistical Data Analysis, Database Management Systems, Applied Linear Statistical Modelling
- Domestic Certification: Statistics
B.S. in Management Science & Engineering - Supply Chain Direction
- Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, 2019
- GPA: 3.42/4
- Major Rank: 27/225 (top 12%)
- Awards: Excellent Graduation Thesis at College Level, Third Prize Scholarship at College Level
- Courses: Calculus, Operations Research, Linear Algebra, Applied Statistics, Forecasting and Decision Making, Logistics Information Systems, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Programming languages: python, golang, Java, cpp, R, JavaScript, html, css
- Database: mysql, redis, sql-server, mongodb
- OS: Linux(Centos/Ubuntu)
- Libraries/Packages: pytorch, libtorch, numpy, pandas, sklearn, flask, sqlalchemy, django, drf, gin, gorm
- ML/DL Model: lr, xgb, lgb, catboost, resnet, lstm, gru, transformer, Bert, autoEncoder, GAN
- Software: SPSS, SASEM, Tableau
Project Experience
01/2023 Online learning blog community construction
- Responsible for web backend implementation
- Used Technologies: gin + gorm + machinery + swagger + mysql + redis + vue
09/2022-12/2022 Server-side Chatbot “Big Head” v2.0
- Responsible for model training, back-end implementation, partial front-end implementation
- Used Technologies: ubuntu + git + pytorch + numpy + matplotlib + django + vue + mysql + redis + celery
- Used Model: seq2seq(encoder: bert + transformer + gru, decoder: gru + transformer + gpt2)
- Link
- Alternate Link
05/2022-06/2022 Food Classification and Network Compression
- Responsible for code optimization, model training (Kaggle competition)
- Used Technologies: numpy + pytorch + PIL + tqdm + matplotlib
- Used Model: Resnet, MobileNet
- Rank: TOP 4% (56/1406)
06/2021-07/2021 Multiple classifications of Telstra network service outage severity
- Responsible for code writing, model training (Kaggle competition)
- Used Technologies: numpy + pytorch + tqdm + matplotlib + Bayesian optimization + grid search cross-validation
- Used Model: lightgbm, catboost
- Rank: TOP 20% (limited by computing capacity)
Project Overview
- python: Built full-stack chatbots, back-end web Q&A platform
- golang: Built small instant messaging system, back-end blog community
- java: Built family income and expenditure bookkeeping system, customer information management system, development team staff scheduling system
- ML: regression, binary classification (rf, lr, fcn), multiclassification (xgb, lgb, catboost)
- CV: image recognition (vgg16, resnet18-101), image generation (dcgan, wgan, wgan-gp), anomaly face detection (fcn-ae, cnn-ae, resnet18-ae, vae)
- NLP: extractive question-and-answer prediction (bert), conversational bots (gru+luong attention), sentiment analysis
- Speech: phoneme recognition (fcn), speaker recognition (transformer, conformer)
- Other: transfer learning (DaNN), model compression (knowledge distillation, deep separable networks)
- mysql: designed database with query optimization
Language Skills
- CET-6
- Animate, Comic, Game, Novel